Chapter 252
Chapter 252:
Alexander’s expression stayed tight as he replied, “An airport.”
Richard stood frozen, staring at Daniela in utter disbelief.
“All the necessary permits and approvals are already in place. I've always valued the partnership model we've
used in the past. That's why, for this project, I've opted not to go through an open bidding process. Instead, I'll
be announcing the companies I've selected to collaborate with. Each of them will receive the airport's
construction plans and architectural layout. After reviewing them, please submit your budget proposals. If the
pricing is fair, we'll move forward with the collaboration.”
Daniela paused, a confident smile playing on her lips.
“However, there's one thing | want to make clear. At Elite Lux, our guiding principle is...”
Before Daniela could finish, the room erupted in enthusiastic unison as the contractors completed her sentence.
“Quality over quantity. Money is no object!”
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtRichard's jaw dropped. They all know this slogan?
He shot a glance at Alexander, a wave of embarrassment washing over him as he realized they were the only
ones in the room who hadn't known.
Daniela’s meeting was straightforward and efficient, no frills attached. She then started announcing the
companies chosen for the project.
Raul and Marco, both selected, descended from the stage, clutching their blueprints like prized possessions.
Despite their age, they were practically bouncing with excitement. Richard crossed his arms and shot a sideways
look at Alexander.
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“Just wait. Let's see what prpart of the project Daniela has lined up for us.”
And so, they continued to wait. One by one, the blueprints were handed out, and the names of the companies
were called. Finally, Daniela announced the meeting was over. But the father and son remained seated, still
waiting eagerly.
As the crowd started to thin, Richard could no longer keep it in. He stood up quickly, calling out, “Daniela—"
Realizing the sharp glances from the crowd, he quickly corrected himself.
“Ms. Harper, did you forget about Bennett Group?”
Daniela didn’t respond right away. Instead, her assistant took a step forward.
“Bennett Group? I'm terribly sorry. In the last project with Elite Lux, your company’s work failed quality
inspections three times. So, Elite Lux has decided to cut ties with Bennett Group moving forward.”
The room fell deathly silent, and every eye turned to Richard and Alexander. The words hit them like a slap—
sharp and painful, stinging across their faces.
Bennett Group, once seen as the leader of the industry, the epitof excellence in Olisvine’s architectural
world, had not only failed inspections three times but was now publicly blacklisted by Elite Lux.
This wasn’t just a dent in their reputation; it was an excruciating humiliation.
Richard’s body seemed to crumble under the weight of the shame. His vision went hazy, his knees buckled, and
he collapsed right there.
The last thing he heard before everything went black was Alexander's frantic voice calling out, “Dad! Dad!”
After Richard opened his eyes, Alexander gathered Bennett Group’s management team responsible for the failed
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmElite Lux project.
Historically, Bennett Group had been a titan in the industry, orchestrating many high-profile projects and reaping
substantial rewards. These managers were accustomed to success and privilege.
Yet, the tables had turned. Daniela’s Elite Lux, now a beacon of rigorous oversight, had eclipsed their operations,
forcing them to engage with smaller firms they had previously overlooked or assigned only trivial tasks. This shift
in dynamics brewed discontent among them.