Chapter 223 Chapter 223: "Going to prison is one thing, but seducing the supervisor? That's just beneath anyone." "I always thought she was something special. I guess I was blind to what she really was." Clinton's eyes narrowed, his voice frosty as he shot back, “And where's your proof? You can't just spread lies like that. Don't you know defamation is a crime?" Lisbeth's face flushed with heat as Clinton's cold stare bore down on her. She had no proof, of course. Everything she had said was nothing more than unfounded gossip.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtAll eyes were on Lisbeth, and she couldn't bring herself to admit she was speaking without evidence. She dug into her memory, recalling a day in high school when Khloe had been absent for hours. Gritting her teeth, she blurted, "It was August 12th, four years ago. At the hotel next to the school. Go check for yourself!" Clinton's voice was icy and deliberate. "I will look into this. If I discover you are spreading lies about Khloe, I won't let it slide." Standing up with sudden intensity, he swept his gaze over the room. "And if I catch wind of any more unfounded rumors about Khloe, those responsible will haveto answer to." With that, he turned on his heel, making his way to the door.
Lisbeth felt her insides churn with envy as she watched Clinton's unwavering determination to defend Khloe. He had always been the golden boy, the heartthrob everyone admired back in high school. If she hadn't heard he would be at the reunion, she never would've shown up.
Her only reason for speaking out had been to tear Khloe down and elevate herself in Clinton's eyes.
She stood up, her tone sharp as she pointed at him. "Clinton, you hardly know Khloe, do you? You two just participated in one math competition together. Is that really enough for you to defend her this way? Khloe sure knows how to seduce men!" Clinton stopped in his tracks and spun around to glare at Lisbeth. "What exactly are you implying?" Lisbeth's face twisted with jealousy, her words dripping with venom. "What do you think I mean? Obviously, I'm admiring Khloe for her cleverness. After prison, she had srich benefactor buy her an expensive necklace. She used to seduce a teacher, and now here you are, sticking up for her. Khloe must be a real seductress." g In σ, your fiction escape Her words were harsh, and someone nearby instinctively reached out to tug at Lisbeth's sleeve, trying to stop her. But Lisbeth jerked away, refusing to be silenced.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmClinton's expression darkened, the tension in the air rising as if a storm were about to break. He fixed Lisbeth with a piercing glare, his eyes burning with both anger and contempt. “Lisbeth, why don't you just say it—Khloe seduced me, and that's why I'm standing up for her?" "Exactly! If you had nothing to do with her, why would you defend such a lowlife? Khloe is disowned by the Evans family; she's an ex-con! If you weren't so taken with her, why would you risk alienating all of us for her?" The room went silent, everyone taken aback by Lisbeth's boldness in speaking to Clinton that way.
Even though most of her malicious words were aimed at Khloe, Clinton was insulted as well. After all, he was a prominent member of the Watson family.
A girl with a round face, Jada Perry, quickly stood up beside Lisbeth, trying to diffuse the situation. "Let's not make this so tense! Aren't reunions supposed to be enjoyable? Let's talk about something else." Clinton brushed off Jada's attempt to calm the situation, his laughter laced with frustration. "Do you honestly believe everyone is as selfish and manipulative as you? I'm standing up for Khloe because it's the truth. She's nothing like what you're accusing her of."
"The truth?" Lisbeth's eyes flickered with a manic gleam as she dug into her handbag, pulled out a stack of photos, and slapped them onto the table.
The photos showed Khloe in intimate, compromising positions with different men-explicit images that had once been spread at Khloe and Eric's wedding three years ago.
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